Envision. Inspire. Innovate.

"If you were to design a story with me as the lead character, it would certainly be..... unique."

-Abbas Tahirzadeh


Hello! My name is (Syed) Abbas Tahirzadeh, and I am a Pakistani/Iranian individual born and raised here in Washington State. Through my creativity, ambition, and work ethics, I overcame many challenges throughout my upbringing in education, culture, technology as well as various social situations.

Currently, I am a student at the University of Washington pursuing a Bachelor's of Science degree in Informatics as well as a Bachelor's of Arts degree in Biochemistry slated to graduate in 2017. I thrive on implementing information, technology, and design to innovate and produce a multitude of information systems needed to accomplish a given task.

Ultimately, I am flexible at performing and organizing multiple tasks at once, as well as communicating and working efficiently in an agile, fast paced team environment. But most of all, an innate curiosity for anything and everything that can be learned.

Skills and Interests

  • Proficient in HTML, CSS, Python, Java, JavaScript/jQuery, Angular.js, and SQL.
  • Interest in employing creative and simple means to build and create meaningful UI and UX designs.
  • Passion for web & app development and eager to expand knowledge.
  • Can describe & implement functions of database management systems using SQL needed to create and use with Database Management Systems
  • Comfortable with many different development and design tools such as GitHub, Git, Command Line, Axure, Sketch and Photoshop as well as various other video/photo and prototyping software.
  • Effective Project Management/Scrum Master regarding Team Management, Agile Methodology, Project Monitoring, Risk Analysis, meeting sprint deadlines, and establishing an efficient Project Charter/Schedule.





Echo Log In Screen

Designed, tested, and built a prototype of a mobile app to aid visually-impaired individuals in campus navigation and Produced detailed wireframes, established personas, interviewed target audience, and evaluated user feedback

Skills Involved: Project Management, Wireframing, Axure, Team Management, Visual Paradigm

Specification Document: Document Link


Wave Concept Photo

The embodiment of water - A mobile design language that flows to the needs of every individuals. As our design app is used above, Wave is a mobile design language that was based around these three principles: Digitally Ergonomic, Flexible, Fluidity. This was the culmination of improving existing mobile patterns with a unique yet efficient design idea.

Digitally Ergonomic: Phones are getting bigger and bigger, but human hands aren't. Wave strives to be comfortable for the users, with all of the important UI and action items strategically placed towards the bottom half of the screen and by the most touchable hot spots.

Flexible: Wave is the perfect medium in between simple and minimal, while still allowing users to customize their phones to fit their lifestyle and personality.

Fluid: Interactions and visual design with Wave are streamlined for ease of use, taking advantage of radial menus, and circular themes throughout.

Skills Involved: Mobile Design, Ideation, Prototying, Sketch, InVision, Visual UX Framework

Source: Walkthrough Link

Taxi Cab App

Taxi App Screen

Redesigned the entire App interface for the Yellow Cab company and employed User Experience knowledge and skills to design the app in a more user friendly and goal-oriented manner. This was done so in order to make the app more competitive with other ride sharing services.

Skills Involved: Project Management, Wireframing, Sketch, Agile, Axure/Visual Paradigm, Visio, Team Management, Photoshop, Sitemapping, and UF/AD Charts.

Wireframe Link: Source Link

Personal Website

Personal Website Picture

Designed my own website from scratch using the below mentioned skills/tools, and my own critical insight on designing a site that fits a theme most pertinent to my own personality. Everything was hard coded and virtually all content and ideas implemented are my own.

Skills Involved: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, R, Bootstrap, and Photoshop.

Source: My Website

Memory Game

Memory Game

Created a 4 by 4 tiled web-based memory game from scratch using JavaScript that recorded time, matches, remaining matches, and number of incorrect guesses. Pictures are randomized and hidden until two matches.

Skills Involved: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and JQuery

Source: Game Link

Tips Vs. Reviews Data Analysis


Participated in Yelp's Dataset Challenge where, using the provided JSON dataset, we chose to analyze the significance of Yelp's feature known as 'Tips' as well as comparing them to 'Reviews'. The data that was analyzed ranged from business information, user data, textual content of tips/reviews, and their star ratings. R, Python, and statistical analysis was used to make a comparison between the two in a visual context.

Skills Involved: Python, R, and Project Management.

Specification Document: Full Report

Online GameStore Database

Database Example

Implemented SQL to create a relational database incorporating data management for querying and modifying data and Created an Enhanced-Entity Relationship Diagram to model and fully normalize an online game store system.

Skills Involved: Project Management, SQL, Data Flow Chart, Activity Flow Diagram, Visio

Source Code: Document Link, and Presentation

Seattle Traffic Cameras

Seattle Traffic Camera

Created a website that utilizes JQuery, Seattle's provided traffic camera data, and Google Maps to design a visually appealing way for clients to view all of the camera screens/feeds around Seattle with also customization options to narrow down all of the available traffic cameras to those specified by the client.

Skills Involved: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and JQuery

Source: Source Link

UWPD Crimes Tracker

KPI Chart

Took a Project Manager role in the development of an Application for the University of Washington Police Department to help track high threat levels around the U-District and to provide a seamless and efficient way for notifying incidents when they occur.

As a PM, I managed the Project Charter, Project Schedule, Sprints/Deadlines, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), Dashboard Production, Risk Analysis and Mitigation, Budget Targets and managing all of the individual teams (Development, Design, Analytics, Clients/Police, Students).

Skills Involved: Project Management, Agile, Risk Analysis/Mitigation, Dashboard Project Monitoring,

Specification Documents: Full Report and Risk Analysis